We are excited to announce that in-person worship services at Brookdale will resume this Father’s Day! What better day to reopen our physical worship services than on a day when we can direct our honoring of fathers to the praise and thanksgiving of our heavenly Father!
For the protection of your health, we know that many of you still prefer to join us online, so we are offering two ways to worship!
Online Worship: Join our live premiere of a new worship experience at 10:30 am on our church Facebook page and YouTube channel. Note that we archive these weekly broadcasts at those links for on-demand viewing throughout the week.
In-Person Worship: For those ready to worship in person, join Sunday worship at 10:30 am in our sanctuary. For the safety of our worship team, each week the music portion of the worship service will be the same pre-recorded videos that our online worshippers enjoy, shown on the big screen. IMPORTANT: To know what to expect, please read our June 4 announcement that shares our social distancing guidelines for all in-person ministry activity.
Either way you choose, we can’t wait to worship with you!